Aaah .. after a weekend deprived of the daily Twitter we have 3 more .. loved his joking around with Jason on the Ghost Chasers location .. " ... See I took steps with mine" .. funny old stick .. lol
I enjoyed Meat's tweet with Jason as well. Actually both of them. At the end of the one with Jason's introduction and they are about to turn off the lights tweet, Meat's smile was so infectious. I was smiling back at my computer screen. Then the second one I was laughing at Meat's sarcasm. I heard they were going go-carting....I'm so hoping there is a tweet of that.
They've just posted a brief one of them at the track .. Meat so very enthused at being about to go go-carting .. "dude!!!!" .. lol .. So hopefully there will be some of him in action ..
Reminds me of the race he had on the One Show over here in the mobility carts .. SO competitive even in them .. lol
Caryl ..
Meat Loaf for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Let's help him get there!
They just posted go-cart action. I'm so happy right now! I remember seeing him on a "lark" or a "people mobile" ... that was sooo funny too. Competitive yes. I can relate. LOL.
Oh who could forget the race of the mobility scooters .. with Meat cheating his way through the slalom .. lol .. SO determined .. SO competitive .. rolling ..
C xo
Meat Loaf for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Let's help him get there!
And on the latest tweets. We met a person named Chuck. LOL. He also had Ghost Hunting Homework for 2 hrs. I found this vid. great, he was so into the investigation.
I'm glad he is doing things that he has direct interests in. The excitement really shows.
Isn't one of the loveliest things about Meat the enthusiasm and energy he puts into everything he does? :)) Probably what keeps him so very young .. at heart and in appearance :)
And so lovely to see him enjoying the album recording process at last .. I always feel the recording of BOOH kind of put the mockers on his enjoying the process .. remember him talking about how he felt so put in his place by Rungren . This time he seems to have found the perfect producer to work with and the perfect setting .. he's always said he's happiest and most relaxed sitting round the kitchen table .. and that seems to be the atmosphere that Rob Cavallo has created :)
Meat Loaf for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Let's help him get there!
It truly is lovely to see him with such enthusiasm Caryl. Seems as though Rob is laid back but knows his stuff or "canolies" as John puts it.
Latest tweets, had me laughing too, Meat going out clubbing, John getting into mischief again (or more likely set up by Meat). And then a SPIN around a room Meat Loaf style. So much to be thankful for, I can't even describe.
It's just a few who blast him .. actually who know which buttons to push and push them just because they can and because they know they'll get a reaction :( No point in them saying "he should be big enough to take criticism" because they know he IS always sensitive about his work .. and imo this is precisely why they do it .. squeaky wheels who know Meat will grab the oil can ...
A repeated cycle .. and I love him dearly but he feeds it by responding .. He was up at 2am his time still worriting on about it. The record's his baby .. he's excited and proud of it and wants to share his excitement .. but predictably this will always be taken by a few as an invitation to offer their "constructive" criticism .. and then he reacts .. much as they would do if they popped on a picture of their brood and everyone pointed out how close together its eyes were, how red its face etc .. Actually it's more like an excited parent-to-be showing their scan proudly and people immediately forecasting that its eyes WILL be close together and it WILL be an ugly little brat ..
They don't like those they describe as "ass-kissers" on there? Well I don't like ass-kickers .. but when the kickee shows he's upset, it feeds the pattern ..
Meat Loaf for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Let's help him get there!
I've been out of town for a few days and life just caught up with me. I've checked in to read but I haven't posted in a bit. It's good to have a minute to post here.
I'm trying to get my login sorted on the UK forum, but they said they have to verify my account....well it's been two years...I asked the webmaster if they can verify my account and the response was...Yes. But I have no idea how long it takes or if I have to click on something....I have no idea.
I just get so hot when a few bad apples spoil the bunch. Then Meat goes and crawls under a rock somewhere...I know he's excited emotionally about this album so I am honored to be part of the process. And you know that, you've known my MO for a while now.
I agree with what Kathy posted, you, and there was another good one on there, which I can not remember the name right now. But it was well written. I agree with Meat's rebutted statement, maybe not the fact that he rebutted to fuel the fire, but what he said is true too.
He's gotten his point across...but the peeps there like to argue.
Glad to see he posted two more tweets. Now I'm not sure if this is a curve ball or if it's work on his album. The Hit one....looks like it may be Meat's and the lyrics sound good. The other one with Justin sounds like Adam Lambert a bit and I'm not sure if it's for Meat's album. I'm crossing my fingers because I've listened to it a few times and it sounds like a Meat influenced piece.
Yes .. I too thnk it's a privilege that Meat talks to us .. invites us to share his excietement. What baffles me is that there are those who profess to be fans who see it, not as something special to be treasured, but an invitation to arrogantly offer criticism and advice .. but perhaps it's not that they are such fans but more that they enjoy access to someone who is celebrated, talented and successful, so they can brag to their cronies that they do this .. Whatever, I'm quite sure that those who are the main culprits do it because they now it will provoke a reaction ..
As to curve balls .. I think Meat enjoys throwing them :)) The lyrics and the music of the Michael/Brantley clip do sound good :) Justin Hawkins is out in LA working with a number of others on songs for his next album and posted yesterday that he "had the privilege of working with Rick Brantley and James Michael today." Rob Cavello's studio seems to be an informal and fertile kind of melting pot for collaboration between talented people .. for eg Adam Lambert who featured in a recent tweet is there working on a soundtrack song with Rob Cavallo according to John Micelli .. and it seems to me that Meat really enjoys this kind of fluid, relaxed and informal creative atmosphere working with others he rates and enjoys which comes through in his excitement.
Me? .. I can't even attempt to judge, or indeed even want to judge or specuate, what the final album will be like. I just feel it is likely to be something very secial given the atmosphere Rob creates in his studio. I truly adored CHSIB, and frankly am pleased there is no Bat shadow hanging over its production .. When it comes out there will be those who will doubtless compare and critique it against the Bat stable and some never-to-be prospect of Meat and Jim delivering an album again together .. but I anticipate something I can rejoice in.
Such is the bizarre nature of the whole music industry today I can only hope that with Rob Cavallo producing it achieves universal acclaim and success .. but I believe it will delight us and provide a magical tour experience :)
I think Meat is driven by creating and delivering the work rather than numbers, but numbers are obviously important to him as they are the yardstick by which it is judged publicly .. I hope he is pleased with both :)
Meat Loaf for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Let's help him get there!
i'm just really popping in here to say hello ... the nasties on the UK forum anger and bore me ... as i've said before... it's not really the content of what they say ... but that what is said upsets Meat... otherwise...
okay ... keep it nice ... tinkster... ... lol ...
t ... XO
Her wings would scarcely carry her now, but in reply she alighted on his shoulder and gave his nose a loving bite. She whispered in his ear "You silly ass," and then, tottering to her chamber, lay down on the bed.