I also find it to be very, very sensual- even more than most Meat songs.
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This is way up there (imo) with all the best - The whole effect for me is almost sensory overload - emotive, powerful, it can take me from the verge of tears to a sloppy grin all over my face.
It makes my blood pump faster and I just know I'm alive
And as for hearing it live - well..............what can I say
... ahhh..another good rocker... who here DOESN'T sing the...wot part is it?? chorus??... OUTTA THE FRYIN' PANNN...OUTTA THE FRYIN' PAAAN... OUTTA THE FRYIN' PAN...AND INTA THE FIRE .... over and over..fun to singalong... i like both the studio and the LIVE version...from LIVE AROUND THE WORLD...and againe... the LIVE version...gets such a picture...vid...stage show... going in my mind... Meat as a biker type... sprawled out on the front steps of a NYC brownstone... when.... uh oh... here comes that .... vixen... againe... portrayed by... she who shall remain nameless... rolling.... it's a very zzzexie song...
Her wings would scarcely carry her now, but in reply she alighted on his shoulder and gave his nose a loving bite. She whispered in his ear "You silly ass," and then, tottering to her chamber, lay down on the bed.