ROL will always be a safe haven for you Meat. Should you visit we will be honoured and welcome you with open arms. But whether you do or not, this will always be a place where you are treated with respect and your feelings are considered. Here people may say if they don't like a particular song, or didn't enjoy part of a show .. because we know you are open to constructive comments. But you will not find people trying to tear you down, or your performances apart. The citizens of ROL care for you too much to do that. You have given so much to all of us over the years, given unstintingly, and we appreciate it. You are exceptional and are honoured here. So pull up a chair, sit down and relax, for no-one here is out to bait you, or do anything but share their positive feelings about an outstanding artist and his music, stage shows, films and many kindnesses to his fans. Park your bum honey .. kick off your shoes .. you're home :)
Meat Loaf for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Let's help him get there!
I am so happy that we now have this place to come to and know that there is love. Thank you Caryl for doing this.
Here is hoping that Meat will have a good time during this last leg of the tour. Have his much needed rest and enjoy life. I will be seeing him in the movies that he will be making or in the few movies that I have already. Here is wishing Meat all the love that we all can send to him. From our heart to his....................MAAWWWHHHHHAAAA.
little marvin aday so big his daddy called him meat loaf,he grew in to a big man,with a big voice,and he sings big songs and has big can try and tear him down
Welcome Dawn and Rick .. lovely to see you here. And a special thanks to Vicki without whose technical skills we wouldn't have this lovely forum or the song clips on every page :)
Meat Loaf for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Let's help him get there!
Hi gang! I'm on my way to work but I wanted to post a quick thanks to Caryl and Vicki for making this place for us to chat about all things Meaty. (OK, I also wanted to test my avatar- I bet a million it won't work!) I'll be back to explore further once I get to work!
Did you know that congenital heart defects are the MOST common birth defect, occuring in one out of every 150 births? Support CHD awareness, and check out my son's heart story at
I'll use my fav line here too.. Welcome to the Neighborhood everyone! and thanks again Caryl and Vicki, for making another safe place for us to have fun... and perhaps the Prez will find is way here some time... now wouldn't that be grand? , dreaming and wishing... well what do you expect... I am a jeanie after all! J.
There's always something magic.. there's always something new.. and when you really really need it the most, rock & roll dreams come through..
Ah...My Mighty Meat, now you have a place to call home, where we all love and repect you. Here the only noise you'll here is the fanfair of yor arrival!
Thanks Vicki and Caryl for making this all possible! United this Republic stands!
Be who you are and say how you feel, because those who mind dont matter, and those who matter, dont mind.