We are calling on all Meat and Jim fans to contribute to the Band's Forum so that the Band can shape their act to be a Tribute that Fans want to come and see and hear.
It is expected that gigs will start later this year, initially in the Cambridgeshire area and then a Tour will be announced early next year with a Full Set running to over 2.5 hours!
The Band run competitions for suggestions and Artwork...some good prizes too...have a look and see!
.. hey.. again.. old news i know.. sorry.. hehehe.. but just gave a listen and like the sound of Matt Shaw's voice.. doesn't try to be Meat.. but imo.. it's a nice tribute to the music...
t... ...
Her wings would scarcely carry her now, but in reply she alighted on his shoulder and gave his nose a loving bite. She whispered in his ear "You silly ass," and then, tottering to her chamber, lay down on the bed.