Close to the last TV promo here I guess .. but such an enjoyable one.
Meat was the main guest, so came on second .. billed as "Musical Maestro Meat Loaf" .. and at the start we saw him in the back room. talking animatedly to the other guest, co-incidentally the young ex Xfactor singer who was on Something for the Weekend with him. No doubt he was passing on the wisdom of so many years experience :)
Still can;'t get over how fit, well and happy he looks (probably enhanced by knowing UK air space has been opened up today!) I've said before, he's truly a man in ove . withhis album. That wonderful feeling when you've achieved something quite remarkable that you're utterly omitted to just shines through :)
Wearing not the leather jacket today, but a new one from his now favourite costume designer .. black with a riot of pink roses and hearts in sequins scattered down both arms. Black open necked shirt and the jewellery of course.
After the other guest had gone we have a quick cut to Meat before the advert break, with him looking right into the camera, with a little smile and he gives a salute :)
Introduced as the man with the legendary album BOOH and AFL which topped the UK charts, and has a new album and single out this week .. He comes carefully down the steps, pausng to wave at the camera and say "Hi!!", he says hello to each of the four loose women and gives each a kiss on th cheek.
"I had this jacket made especially for you ladies, just for this show! It has hearts and flowers on each sleeve (he shows them. Then to the audience) "How are ya?" ... big cheer .. then he settles hmself down. The lead presenter says to pull up a pew .. he says "I'll pull up a stool"
Then re the clips they'd showed before he came on (BOOH, AFL and Los Angeloser) "I should be more dramatic I think. Put more into it"
Asked if that's how he loves to perform best, in character, telling a story ..
"Yes, I always have a character. If I don't I can't sing. Rob Cavallo when we were recording said ... told everybody .. Meat's an actor who thinks he can sing .. and it's absolutely the truth. Without a character I can't sing"
But you have such an amazing voice ..
"Thank you .. (little laugh) .. but I don't without a character!"
Is that how you sing every song?
"Yes .. usually each song has an individual character. This album is different, it's the same character. I took a 24 year old named Patrick and sing every song through his eyes. He's a 24 year old soldier who thinks he's dying and I say that's what keeps him alive"
But you're a bit older than 24 ..
He points his finger at her "So I had to research that! How do you know? How do you know I'm older than 24? Do I look older than 24?"
No ..
"Thank you :) .. So I had to research. We had a lot of young people around when we were making the record .. so I used to go up to them and say 'So .. erm .. when you and your girlfriend have a fight how do you make up?' .. and they'd look at me like I was a dirty old man"
The lead presenter says (referring to fighting and making up of course) says she doesn't think that's changed over time ..
Quick as a flash .. "What? .. that I'm a dirty old man? You think that? Shame on you! Shame on you!!" .. laughter ...
Asked about Hugh Laurie
"I did an episode of House. It was a shoot of about 8 days and the first four days he was SO great and so nice and so warm and giving. I'd heard him pay piano and thought I wonder if he might have fun doing this? I just thought, hey he might have a good time, and he did. He came into the studio and he was so really very nervous and Rob took him outside .. I don't know what they did out there .. talked motorcycles, had some drinks .. Hey, I was listening to the top of the show back there (they'd started with a piece about people drinking to the point of getting drunk) .. And the amazing thing is he has this photographic memory. And the song's 8 minutes long and I asked him if he wanted the sheet music, and he said no. I said 'Are you KIDDING?' .. and he said .. no .. I realised that's how he can do all that dialogue .. all that doctor dialogue"
Asked about Jack Black ..
"Again, Jack's a friend .. Yes he could be my son .. No, we're not related"
One of the presenters is Bernie Nolan's sister (remember she was in Popstar to Operastar?) She says'I'd have said your brother'
"That's very kind dear .. but really more my son! How's your sister by the way? Tell her I said Hi. Is she singing opera now? No? Shame .. OK (turns back to the other presenter .. Back to Jack now (laughs) I wanted someone who'd complement my voice. He has this voice that's just right for this song .. has a better voice for it than me. I sent him an email .. we lost touch .. then I met him at a charity event and he came up and said
Lead presenter says .. that's the actor coming out .. And you have a film coming out with Michael Sheene?
"Oh wow!! You've done your research! Yes, I have a small character part. He's amazing! I stood for about seven pages while he did a monologue .. and I just shake my head .. say .. mmmm yeah .. " listen as he does more .. shake my head and say .. mmmm you could be right .. listen to some more .. shake my head and say .." .. and Meat is acting this all out as he goes :) "But he's a wonderful guy!"
In starting to close the lead presenter says Meat .. then asks if it's OK to call him that ..
"Yes, Meat .. When I was in it's a Royal Knockout Sarah Ferguson called me Meaty .." .. does a high pitched "Hey MEATY!!!!!!" with a big wave .. (I'm sure that frog's been hopping around inside that lovely head because it's the Queen's 84th birthday today, and he'll have been thinking that this might have come up on the show .. )
And it was over .. sudden as that ..
But as always, charming, easy, entertaining .. on relaxed form, and ever generous when talking about actors he's worked with ..
A perfect oasis in my day :)
-- Edited by Caryl on Wednesday 21st of April 2010 05:56:51 AM
Meat Loaf for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Let's help him get there!