This has to be my personal all time favourite Meat song. My 17yr old daughter was at a hairdressing competion on Monday when they played this and other Meat songs for one of the cat walk shows they had, and to the amazement of all her friends she started singing along to it, made me feel so proud. Especially as her friends hadn't heard it before. But she new all the Meat songs and sang her heart out to the them all.
awwww heaven can it!!! My first keyboard solo was heaven can wait and i was nearly in tears the whole of the school hall practically was singing it!!!!! Great!!!
They dont play it often enough on the radio. I know that they play it sometimes more often than other of Meats songs, but they would have me listening more often if they played more of a variety of his work.
I only listen to the radio at work as I have no access to a cd player. At home and in the car I listen to Meats music all the time.
Take Care Everyone
"Heaven Can Wait"
"Any Day Above Ground is a Good Day"
Originally posted by: Trudy67 "Blairs favorite is "Bat out of Hell", I dont know if its just because he gets to say "Hell "
Hi Trudy
That made me smile with the 'hell' word. My son is five, and BOOH has prompted many a discussion as to what 'hell' is. He's always believed that Meat actually crashed his bike, and he cannot understand how his heart can 'break out if his body and fly away' I also find myself either talking loudly over, or turning the volume down during certain songs...Lemon (shove it up your ass, and AFL, 'screwing around'!). The best has to be when he says 'Stop it Mummy, waddya think you're doin? That's no way to cook my tea etc etc'...His American accent is hilarious
Back on topic though...Heaven Can Wait is a joy. I thought the orchestral arrangement on the MSO dvd was beautiful. I see this song holds some very happy memories for some of you guys..great stuff!
Batgirl x
I'd pull the sun down from the sky to light your darkest night.
My little girl, who's 6, is the same. She would lapse into a shocked and embarassed silence every time "you can shove it up your ****" came on while I unashamedly blasted it out! I had to explain it was o.k. to say it as part of a song but not on a day-to-day basis! Strangely enough, she appears to have understood the general concept of life being a lemon and school being a waste of time!
She's the same when it comes to Bat Out Of Hell, as at school they are taught not to say 'hell', but as you say it's hilarious to hear the American Accent, especially when she rocks along to Paradise without having the faintest clue what the subject is about What ARE we teaching them?
...we're responsible for introducing the next generation to Meat - a good though..
By the way, my hubby wants not just Heaven Can Wait at his funeral, but also When Angels Sing, which never fails to make me cry. My Gran died on New Year's Day this year and that was one of her songs - at 85 she was the first generation of Meat fans!
How ya doin gal? Hope life is just fine and dandy for ya Yeah it has been a while, but I am always skulking around the sites...being generally nosey hehe!
Aren't kids great eh??I have to agree, they do hear far worse at school, I'm sure.
Hi at your little girl, bless Our two should duet together, maybe Dead Ringer, waddya say??My son attends a C of E school, and I dread the day the teacher says he's been singing about hell in Church, or something equally embarrassing! You're right, what are we teaching them indeed
Your hubby's choice of funeral music is excellent. There's nothing like being prepared eh? Btw, sorry to hear about your Gran. My Nan died in February, so I know how you feel However, mine wasn't a Meat fan unlike yours bless her, that's great!
Batgirl x
I'd pull the sun down from the sky to light your darkest night.
We need to write all the things down that they do now, and get it on film if we can. They grow up too quickly and we have so many things to remember, we forget all the little things.
I have hours of video of my boys and I look back at it and it brings back memories that I have forgotten.
Heaven Can Wait and Where Angels Sing are my two songs that I have requested for my funeral as well. Which I hope is a long way away.
I am sorry to hear about your grandmas
Love to all
"Heaven Can Wait"
"Any Day Above Ground is a Good Day"