Oh vicki...I always feel a little sheepish about the 'one for the girls' thread...am I the only one who worries poor' Meat will feel embarassed by all us ladies drooling over him??
Or that my BF will somehow see my little groupie posts
But I can't resist- He's just so darn handsome...Is that such a crime???
I reckon the man who proclaims himself a sex god on stage won't mind a few female hearts fluttering around the place :) As long as you stop short of throwing yourself down on the ground and clinging onto his ankle as he tries to walk away .. As to the boyfriend .. guess it comes with the territory when you hitch up with a Meat Adoring woman eh?
Meat Loaf for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Let's help him get there!
There are definate advantages to having a completely techno-phobe significant other, as I do! My husband would turn green if he read some of the comments I have posted about Meat! (That is JUST what he would look like!) He's still trying to understand exactly why I needed UK, Oz and American copies of CHSIB, so he'll clearly never understand the heights (or would that be depths) of my Meat-lust!
Did you know that congenital heart defects are the MOST common birth defect, occuring in one out of every 150 births? Support CHD awareness, and check out my son's heart story at http://home.tampabay.rr.com/sherrie/joey~1.htm
Hey, Vicki.. you can count me into the Tinks "Travis" worshippig circle as well. I can't believe I waited so damn long to get "Roadie" and Leah, I think Meat would be flattered to know, lots of women think he's HOT J.
There's always something magic.. there's always something new.. and when you really really need it the most, rock & roll dreams come through..