Hi i am doing a talk about meat loaf for a english exam and i would love to know what meat loafs fav food and drink and if he has any dislikes thankyou shaz
Good luck for your talk i did a presentation on Meat last year for my GCSE English, and did an essay on him this year for my IT assignment at college! Although i didnt include stuff like his fave food and drink i still manage to go wayyyyyyyyyy over on the presentation and my essay ended up 6 pages long in size 12!!!!
If you can get hold of his book ''to hell and back'' that will give you loads of info on him its great and worth a read anyway!! Theres loads of site too you can go on just do a google search on his name and you'll be able to spend days going through it all!!
GOod luck and if you have any more questions or need some info just leave your question on here and someone will help you!!
Welcome! Like the Major says, 'To Hell and Back' is a great read, and full of info. According to the programme from the Couldn't Have Said it Better tour, Meat's 'drink of choice' is from Fortnum and Mason. He has either Irish Breakfast, Earl Grey or Royal Blend tea every morning. He also likes Diet Coke. He is also quite partial to a shot (or four!) of tequila, before going on stage/tv. As for his favourite food, I'm not too sure. He is, however a vegetarian, if that helps.
Also, have a look at all the great stuff on this site. The multimedia here is the best on the web, imho. Aswell as videos of performances, there are also lots of archived interviews and other great items to view. You may just pick up what you are looking for.
Good luck!
Batgirl xx
I'd pull the sun down from the sky to light your darkest night.
Whilst it's true Meat did go vegetarian for a number of years, he isn't one now , although he says he's heading in that direction as he's eating less meat now .. Like so many of us he has a constant battle with his weight .. saying it's particularly difficult to diet when touring .. and said he eats a lot of plates of stewed tomatoes and green beans when he's trying to keep trim :)
He's carrying a few more pounds at the moment .. but looks so relaxed and happy .. And he says he's invested in some fitness equipment to get in shape for the upcoming tour ..
Meat Loaf for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Let's help him get there!
Hi i am doing a talk about meat loaf for a english exam and i would love to know what meat loafs fav food and drink and if he has any dislikes thankyou shaz
i know it's been like forever.. but i wonder how Sharon made out?...
Her wings would scarcely carry her now, but in reply she alighted on his shoulder and gave his nose a loving bite. She whispered in his ear "You silly ass," and then, tottering to her chamber, lay down on the bed.