What's your story on how Meat's music impacts your kids lives, or the lives of those around you? I've noticed others talking about certain words included in Meat's songs. Being raised on a solid diet of rock, my kids have always seemed to differentiate between words in music (or used on screen) and everyday life.
Last year my should-know-better-aged son tried for shock value when I was raving over Meat's concert that I'd just attended. "But, he only had one hit album." I didn't bite, but he opened his mouth again and dropped himself right in it. "Did he do 'Dead Ringer', 'Life is a Lemon', 'Anything for Love'? I love those songs" He must have forgotten all the other albums, huh? I threw a copy of the CHSIB album at him to bring the smart alec up to date, which is 'More Than You Deserve'.
Good friends are like stars....You don't always see them, but you know they are always there.
Great Rockette. Im glad you brought him up to date.
I grew up with Gerry and the Pacemakers, Dave Clark Five and music like that from back in the UK after my parents migrated to Perth in 1965.
When we were growing up, Dad tried to influence what we listened to, being one of three girls and the oldest, he was the stricts with me. My younger twin sister got away with murder I think. There is only 2 1/2 years between us, but when I said "I wasnt allowed to do that at your age" I got "but that was years ago". Didnt think I was that old LOL.
My boys know all the words to all of Meat Songs, that all they hear when Im home. But trying to influence them in the way they speak in public is a battle. When you hear the language that comes out of some of the kids mouths at school there is words that I have never used.
My oldest boy is ADHD who is only 8 1/2 and loves to try and shock his mum with new words that he has learnt at school. I have a very strict mother in law who tries to tell me all the time that Im no good as a mother (and she wonders why her sons both have depression). We are trying to teach him that there is a time and a place to use certain words. Or to say them under his breath if he is angry. I think the adults in the house have to do the same LOL.
Sorry to waffle on guys
Have a nice day
"Heaven Can Wait"
"Any Day Above Ground is a Good Day"
Sorry to tell you Trudy, but the kid's shock attacks don't stop! My son is 31 and he still just loves to needle me. lol. My twin granddaughters (8 next month) think their attempts are something new. Even bigger lol.
Good friends are like stars....You don't always see them, but you know they are always there.
My younger sisters are twins. Mum went into hospital to have one and came out with two. Identical girls. Didnt know that the second was there. A big shock to the system.
My younger boy tries things all the time and I tell him to start again because he has nothing in that department compared to the oldest. LOL
Have a great day everyone
"Heaven Can Wait"
"Any Day Above Ground is a Good Day"
So Trudy, does your eldest boy benefit from Meat's music? I have read many reports on this subject and it seems the bigger the sound accompanied by powerful lyrics, the more the sedative effect on certain disorders. I know from personal experience, music has hauled me back from the brink in the dim, dark, long since past. Whoops! Sorry, the teacher is coming out in me again.
Good friends are like stars....You don't always see them, but you know they are always there.
Dont worry Rockette. We dont mind , this is what we are here for. To have a conversation and to discuss things.
It like having a second group of friends. Ones that I see everyday and ones that I talk to every day.
I will be checking it out on the way to school today to see if it does calm him. I know that he loves it as much as me. Its a shame that I cant let him watch some of Meats movies. Maybe one day.
I know that Blair wants to learn the guitar and play Bat out of Hell. Ive told him it will be a while before he learnt to play that, but maybe for his birthday he can have some lessons.
I better go and get them ready for school and me ready for work.
Have a nice day everyone
"Heaven Can Wait"
"Any Day Above Ground is a Good Day"
Learning the guitar - I remember that - so liberating to escape from everyday pressures. I'm sure other instruments would do the same, but guitar seems to resonate better with the soul. I sang and played music with my kids as music should be - loud and joyfully - and that has remained a connection for us to this day. Good luck.
Good friends are like stars....You don't always see them, but you know they are always there.